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Gwiazdy w mocnej kampanii przeciwko torturowaniu psów w Chinach [+18]

Podczas festiwalu psiego mięsa w Chinach zginęło 10 tysięcy psów, a co roku w Azji giną ich miliony. Pamela Anderson, Matt Damon, Sia i inni wzięli udział w kampanii "The Compassion Project".

I am only human. I am not perfect. And I never claim to be. I took my prior post down because I was wrong. I will defend my foundation without calling anyone out. . Let this be seen as an act of kindness. . There is an email circulating claiming that we only rescued 400 dogs when we have verified, and can prove over a 1000 dogs. I documented everything because I knew there would be people that would circulate lies about our work. . What I do not understand is - we are all supposed to be on the same side. I did not come to Yulin to even rescue dogs. I came to temporarily shut slaughterhouses down. . I did not anticipate that there would be over a thousand dogs that needed rescue. Some groups feel I should have left them. But how could I. . I am deeply hurt by what people who are supposed to be about the cause and the dogs are saying. I reached out to many groups before I came here asking to work with them. Almost everyone said no. And so we came and did what we felt we needed to. . If you need proof about the dogs because numbers are critical. Okay. We have proof. We filmed the rescue. 200 cages with an average of 5 dogs per cage. Not only that, we loaded additional dogs onto trucks that came from other places. . Maybe our tactic was wrong. I am only human. But the saving of these dogs is not wrong. The amount of lives saved versus the amount spent, is cheaper then you can buy a dog from the butcher. Does that still push the price up for dogs, it just might and I am sorry for that. . Please know I did not come here to buy dogs. I came to try to temporarily shut down these facilities, with the feeling that if some of the slaughterhouses were shut down, maybe the festival would not be as great. I did not anticipate that there would be so many dogs that would need saving. . In the end, we all want the same thing. The ending of torture. Laws passed against the mistreatment and cruelty towards animals. Let our focus be there. Let our focus be on the lives saved. . These dogs have lived through hell, and unless you live through that yourself, you have no right to tell people not to support them. I stand by these words. And I stand by these dogs.

A photo posted by Animal Hope and Wellness (@animalhopeandwellness) on

„To nie kwestia bycia Amerykaninem, Chińczykiem, Indianinem, Kanadyjczykiem czy Brytyjczykiem” – mówią największe gwiazdy Hollywood, które wzięły udział w kampanii Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation, dając wyraz swojego sprzeciwu wobec torturowania niewinnych zwierząt w Chinach. Co roku tylko w trakcie festiwalu psiego mięsa w chińskim mieście Yilin w brutalny sposób zabijane jest tam ponad 10 tysięcy zwierząt, a ich jedzenie jest w Azji na porządku dziennym.

There is an article circulating about the dog meat festival in Yulin that people are incorrectly interpreting, thinking that the festival is over. . IT IS NOT! . Do not help their government circulate what they want you to circulate. Be pro life! Stand on the side of those that cannot speak for themselves. . Stand with the animals! . The festival is NOT over. Do not let the article written push you to believe that it is. China says the same thing every year. And clearly, the massacre continues (public or behind closed doors). . I have confirmed that there are thousands of dogs already in Yulin. . Please do not stop your efforts to raise awareness and to continue to put pressure on the Chinese government. Do not let yourself be fooled by Chinese propaganda, or statements claiming it is over. . If we go there and it is over, you celebrate then. Until then, you share. You pressure the government. And you raise awareness. . DO NOT ABANDON THE CAUSE. . #TheCompassionProject #StopYulin #animalhopeandwellness #MarcChing #BeTheirVoice

A photo posted by Animal Hope and Wellness (@animalhopeandwellness) on

Matt Damon, Joaquin Phoenix, Sia, Kate i Rooney Mara, Pamela Anderson, Alicia Silverstone, Alyssa Milano i inni przyłączyli się do ruchu „The Compassion Project”, którego celem jest podniesienie świadomości w kwestii tych szokujących praktyk i danie im końca. „To kwestia człowieczeństwa” – przekonują – „Jesteśmy głosem tych, którzy go nie posiadają”.

Spot promujący kampanię zawiera bardzo drastyczne sceny przedstawiające, w jak szokujący i bezwzględny sposób traktowane są psy w Chinach. Nawet gwiazdy biorące udział w uświadamiającej kampanii Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation były nimi przerażone… Oglądacie na własną odpowiedzialność.
